Kate Grant is 19 years old, she is from Ireland, and since her teenage years, she has only one dream: to become a model. A dream that was partly realized a few weeks ago when Kate won an international beauty contest. A nice revenge on those who told him that it was impossible. Because Kate is not only pretty and full of dreams, she is also Down syndrome.
A handicap that the apprentice beauty queen has never let stop. A good reason, since both her beauty and her personality have capsized the jury of Ultimate Beauty of the World, an international beauty contest to celebrate diversity and beauty in all its forms. A competition in which Kate represented Northern Ireland against 40 candidates from around the world, which did not stop the blonde from Cork to win. As the contest organizers explained, “Kate is the soul and spirit of The Ultimate Beauty and represents everything – indoor and outdoor beauty. She’s a real star, she’s amazing and we’re proud to have her as a teenager. ” And pride is shared.
I was shocked. My whole family was in the audience, crying and applauding. My dream became reality. And this dream is to inspire young people who have trisomy 21 or who have specific needs so that they have confidence in themselves.
For Deirdre, Kate’s mom, this victory is all the more precious as she saw her daughter blossom in the competition.
Not content to make the jury laugh at the interview, the teenager took the other candidates under her wing. “I knew she would charm the jury, but what makes me most proud is how Kate took care of the other candidates, encouraging and supporting them.” An attitude faithful to the values of the young woman.
Kindness, compassion and inner beauty, that’s the ultimate beauty. If the judges see that in me then I’m happy.
And now that she has been elected, it’s not just her crown that makes her happy: “The most important thing is that I’ll be able to participate in a fundraiser to distribute hundreds of toys to the sick children of the Royal Victoria. Hospital Belfast. I want to give these children a moment of joy. More than a supernumerary chromosome, which differentiates Kate from others, it is also clearly a supplement of soul.