You’re standing around an airport carousel waiting for your bag to arrive. You look at each bag that passes by, hoping to spot your own among the hundreds of other suitcases and backpacks heading towards you. And then you see it; your bag is there but there’s a gaping hole and all your lingerie is spilling out of the top. Or, you don’t see it at all and you wonder which traveler has mistaken your luggage for their own. If you want to avoid both these scenarios, you need to find the best travel luggage for the job. Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself:
What Type of Bag Should I Buy?
You have a few different options when it comes to travel luggage. The most conventional option is the suitcase. This usually comes with a retractable handle and wheels, which makes navigating the airport easy. Next is the backpack. This is ideal for shorter trips, as well as trips that will require you to navigate difficult terrain. Some backpacks are small enough to fit in the overhead compartments of an airplane. Another option is the duffel bag. These are a cross between a backpack and a suitcase, as while they can be carried, they often have wheels too. Duffel bags are best suited for short trips.
Should I Choose a Soft or Hard Bag?
Soft bags are the most common type of luggage and they’re a lot easier to squeeze into overhead compartments. They also tend to be more lightweight and absorb shock better. However, hard bags are better suited to travelers who are carrying easily damaged items, as they provide better protection. They’re also easy to clean and wipe down. Whichever option you go with, make sure to pay for a quality bag, unless you want to risk your bag breaking or tearing mid-travel.
What Sized Bag Should I Buy?
This is pretty much down to personal choice, but as a general rule, you’ll want to ensure any checked luggage is under 62 inches and that any carry-on luggage is under 45 inches. These are the standard measurements requested by airlines in the United States and have been adopted by countries all over the world (although some will differ). Before traveling, it’s always a good idea to check out your airline’s website and find out more about their size and weight allowances.
Is There Anything Else I Should Know?
While not overly important, it can be a good idea to buy a brightly colored or patterned bag. This will make it much easier to spot when you’re waiting for your luggage to appear on the carousel after your flight. Check out the bespoke luggage from Ugly Bagz for some ideas. You may also want to look for luggage that comes with different compartments inside. This will make organizing your belongings easier and can help you to keep liquids away from anything damageable. Finally, don’t be swayed by the advertising of designer luggage companies. A suitcase that costs over $1,000 is unlikely to be any better than one that costs $200.
Do you have any more tips for picking out travel luggage? Let us know in the comments.